Fitanstik: Fitness App

Fitanstik is not just another fitness app; it's your dedicated personal trainer, nutritionist, and motivator all rolled into one. Designed to revolutionize your fitness journey, Fitanstik empowers you to achieve your goals with personalized plans and expert guidance right at your fingertips.
Fitanstik Fitness App

The Challenge

    Embarking on a fitness journey can often feel daunting and overwhelming. The lack of personalized guidance, tailored workout plans, and nutritional support can hinder progress and lead to frustration. Many individuals struggle to find a comprehensive solution that caters to their unique needs, making it challenging to stay consistent and motivated.

The Solution

    Fitanstik offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges. Our app is crafted with a strong emphasis on customization, convenience, and effectiveness. Leveraging the power of Flutter for the front-end and AWS Amplify for the back-end, we've developed a seamless and robust platform. We recognize that every fitness journey is unique, which is why Fitanstik provides a fully personalized experience tailored to your specific goals, preferences, and lifestyle choices.

Fitanstik App Highlights:

  • Personalized Training Plans: Tailored workout schedules based on your fitness goals, split into phases for continuous progress.
  • Customizable Diet Plans: Daily meal plans with calorie and macro breakdowns, along with a variety of healthy and delicious recipes to choose from.
  • Goal-Specific Programs: Choose from weight loss, toning/keeping fit, or muscle gain programs, each designed to suit your objectives.
  • Diverse Workout Options: Mix of weight training, HIIT workouts, circuits, and bodyweight exercises to keep workouts engaging and effective.
  • Quick Workouts and Challenges: Access quick workout routines and participate in challenges for added motivation and variety.
  • Intuitive Interface: Easy-to-use app interface for seamless navigation and tracking of progress.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Track your meals and macros to stay on top of your nutrition and optimize results.

    Technology We Used

  • Client Side
  • Server Side
  • Deployment
  • Flutter


Fitanstik Fitness App splash screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Gender Selection Screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Assessment Screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Assessment Screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Home Screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Activity Tracker Screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Workout Tracker Screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Meal Planner Screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Workout Camera Screen
Fitanstik Fitness App Result Screen