Skill Assessment Testing tool

The Skill Assessment Testing Tool is a sophisticated online platform designed to assess the expertise of candidates or students. Leveraging AI and remote proctoring technologies, it ensures a secure and monitored testing environment. With the convenience of remote proctoring, candidates can take tests from any location at any time, provided they have a stable internet connection. The integration of AI further enhances the platform's security, ensuring the utmost integrity for online evaluations.
skill assessment testing tool

The Challenge

    It's recognized that some candidates may attempt to cheat on their skill assessment tests. Such actions compromise the security and integrity of online evaluations. As technology evolves, individuals may devise innovative methods to sidestep test protocols. Nonetheless, specific preventive measures can be implemented to counteract and prevent these dishonest attempts.

The Solution

    By integrating Artificial Intelligence with advanced technology, the integrity of online skill assessment tests can be enhanced. The ashutec team developed a portal equipped with tools for test providers to remotely and fairly evaluate candidates' skills. Features like video/audio monitoring, screen recording, IP verification, ID confirmation, and behavioral analysis contribute to bolstering the security and trustworthiness of online evaluations.

Features Of Skill Assessment Testing tool

  • Audio-visual remote proctoring.
  • Suspicious eye movement tracking with video evidence.
  • Comprehensive screen and audio analysis to detect distractions.
  • Monitoring for any departures from the assessment window.
  • AI-driven photo ID verification.
  • IP address location tracking.
  • Copy-paste restrictions.
  • Questionnaire randomization to prevent group cheating.

    Technology We Use For Better Experience

  • Client Side
  • Server Side
  • Deployment
  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • Angular Material
  • HTML
  • CSS


Skill Assessment Tool welcome screen
Skill Assessment Tool permission screen
Skill Assessment Tool users screen
Skill Assessment Tool invite user screen
Skill Assessment Tool delete user screen